Tag Archives: SB

The more things change the more they stay the same

Recently recorded at  Roundhead Studio  thanks to Adrian’s sponsorship. It’s a great studio and the mic is like miracle in steel and the curtain of fairy lights makes you sound better. Tony Parker the producer made a clip on his iPhone sampling some of the sounds me and Basant were experimenting with. See clip below.

But it won’t as yet  give you  the sound  from the Neuman 47 -the miracle in steel. As you can see I am playing the SB  guitar subscribers to this blog kindly bought for me. Thanks again, so amazing that you gave me a get out of jail free card. Now i can play like crazy and keep working on this new idea – this punk raga fusion thingy

I shared this link with a musician friend  and his comment was that I am playing the star under the lights and being the big poser. In fact all I was doing was recording and was largely unaware of being “phoned”  ha ha!

Any capture of what you do  can be   branded as  posing if you bother to share it. Better to be  a good boy and play covers in bars playing music that someone else had to do the hard work of popularising ….some would say

The working title of the album is ” the more things change more they stay the same”  …..its a canvas that can hold any song I ever wrote along with any new one.

There is one  song always changing and always staying the same at one in the same time

Deep ay?

One guy tells me all my songs sound the same and that I only know four chords. I take that as an insult. I know only three chords and I am proud to be so harmonically challenged

How about the guy with utterly NO chords. Didn’t do him any harm!

Please write to me here as FB gives me the twitters. My number is  +64 210 259 2919 email lukehurleymusic @ gmail.com (without the spaces)

As always I need to put in a plug about being happy to play at yours and the smaller the gig the better ay? So here it is.

Keep this simple human alive and invite me to play at yours. ok? call me or write to me with your idea.

You can see from the clip that the replacement SB 12 string  guitar eclipses the old stolen one we lost some time ago  but we learned a lot and its looking positive now

Here is a show coming up that could be fun on Sunday afternoon 8th of November –   hope you can make it. East meets West.

east-meets-west concert

If if you prefer I can play a micro gig at yours. Just call me. Talk soon and thanks again
