All posts by Jason

Before the War and other songs live on Radio

Back in December 2017 Luke did this live session at Radio NZ

Around the 9:22 mark there is a song called “Before the War” It has not been released anywhere yet but one day we hope it will be. Starts at 9:40 mark. Based on a poem by an Iranian poet called Ardeshir.

Lyrics below

Before the War
Wish you could imagine
Wish you could believe
Some time ago I had a peaceful life

Just like you
Before the war
Just like you

Before the war
I go to work in the morning
I would come home in the evening

You maybe don’t believe that
I belong to some people
Some people belong to me

Just like you
Before the war
I could run, ..could hide

I could do anything
Always felt so happy
I had the deepest feeling of happiness

My eyes were shining believe me
I could see all the colour
Before the war

Just like you
Before the war
Never ever let it happen again

To anybody around the world
Let the people have their peaceful lives
Health, home, family and a love

A feeling of belonging
Is their dream
Just like me

Before the war
Just like me

I wish you could imagine
Wish you could believe
Some time ago I had a peaceful life