Shayne Carter Dead People book

Dunedin music month

Writing to you from Taste Nature in Dunedin. Good place to discover great food and good company and ideal for blog writing.

Tomorrow playing at the inch bar it’s like a real Irish pub…. genuine conviviality personified which is rare in these days of nothing but www. The Inch Bar is near the Botanic Gardens in North Dunedin.

I still reckon an old fashioned newsletter like this is relevant in a sea of mainstream alternatives like instagram…

Been reading this book by Shayne Carter. ‘Dead People I Have Known.’ The front cover photo on the book comes from the She Speeds video in 1987 (John Collie.) ISBN 9781776562213. The book came out in 2019.

Powerful writing “We’ve all been young and stupid”.

He writes real good. You gotta check it out.

If you are in or near Dunedin or have friends there do come to the gig at Inch Bar tomorrow night. Phone me on 021 025 9219 if you have space for a house concert or an event you would like to do.

May is music month in NZ but really every month is music month and book month.