Donations for Lukes – Guitar / Car

On 24th of August Lukes car was stolen with a rare Steve Barkman guitar in it. The thieves then drove to his house where the stole his passport and some other gear which all has to be replaced as he was not insured. More info is here and over here

Pick an amount below to donate $NZ 5, 10, 50 or $100 to Luke. A shopping cart will display immediately in the sidebar (or below) and this will allow you to make secure payments from your credit card via PayPal.

Thanks again for your very practical help. Thanks to the 10 or so people who have already bought music or made donations. Update: Thanks again for those donations and for all of you who have topped up your music collections off bandcamp 🙂

Keep an eye out of for that rare Steve Barkman guitar. Another SB is pictured at left.

You will be emailed directly by Paypal P.S click on red buttons if you make a mistake & need to deduct amounts from the shopping cart.

Donate $5 (NZD)

Donate $10 (NZD)

Donate $50 (NZD)

Donate $100 (NZD)

If you would rather buy music the best way to do this is on Bandcamp using the link below. Purchases done like that can be for albums or individual songs but best thing is that payments are almost instant to Lukes PayPal account. You may also buy on iTunes or other stores but iTunes charges relatively large fees and takes up to 3 months to pay so not as useful.

Buy Lukes Music Online

4 thoughts on “Donations for Lukes – Guitar / Car

  1. I am sorry that this has happened to you. I wish that I were able to send money to assist you but I will have to work on that and will try my best. We should get together and record. Dictaphone or cellphone or payphone.. whatever, it doesn’t matter. If I had a spare guitar it’d be yours.

    But on a personal note to any involved in the conspiracy of removal of gear from Luke:

    Theft of such a sort is an impoverishment of your spirit.
    Be wiser in your choices.

    1. Thanks Edward I have only just found your comment as I was offline for sometime. In future I will be in touch so please keep me posted. Thank you for your kind words and don’t worry about the money I am not starving! God bless you brother

  2. That is such a poor way for people to treat one of the most generous spirits I have met in the big city…sharing his music, laughter, a seat on a case…
    thanks for the cd’s that you have freely given me over the years Luke, i hope this donation helps you as much as listening to a couple of your tunes helped my day this morning…

    1. Thank you Don for your kind words. Excuse the late reply but up until now I have been offline 99.999% of the time. Ha ha. I will be more in touch with you and all the good people out there who are kind enough to encourage my habit.Please keep in touch and thanks again for your great support.

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